CONDOR Maritime Services – Credentials
About Us
Our Principal Surveyor, A. M. Ali, is an Accredited Marine Surveyor® with the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors® with earned designations of “Tug & Barge, Hull & Machinery, Cargo”, and has over 25 years sea service, initially as a deck cadet rising to the rank of Chief Officer, serving in different types of cargo vessels and ocean tugs.
Mr. Ali is a graduate of the National Sea Training Center School of Marine Surveying, North West, Kent College, (U.K). and also a graduate of Cape Technicon Safety and Survival Training for the Marine. – STCW 95 “Training the trainer course,” – [RSA].
He Lectures on part time basis at Bandari College, one of the leading Maritime Colleges in East & Central Africa run by Kenya Ports Authority.
Mr. Ali was also a Marine Pilot with Kenya Ports Authority.
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Capt. A. M. Ali. SAMS® AMS®, AFRIN
Marine Surveyor & Consultant
Condor Maritime Services (K) Ltd.
Plot No. 1MN/13590, Kitaruni-Utange
P.O. 83921-80100,
Mombasa – Kenya
East Africa
Phone: +254-733-941743
Mobile: +254-733-267271
Mombasa, Kenya
We are Marine Surveyors & Consultants located in Mombasa, Kenya.