Featured Listing
Featured Listing ($150/year):
- Include more details and a full bio (of your authoring), to talk about your business.
- Have a listing which is highlighted and shows up at the top of search results.
- Note there may be other Featured Listings in the same search area. Ask about premier listing options for the very top spot(s).
- We’ll post a picture of your choice. A little gray shows experience and wisdom. Studies have shown that having your image creates a familiarity with potential clients before they talk to you or meet you. Call it a digital rapport. It will get you more calls.
With a featured listing, you will have the benefits of being connected to MarineSurveyor.com with reciprocal linking and inherent SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
In each of these cases, you will have the benefits of being connected to MarineSurveyor.com with reciprocal linking and inherent SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Are we speaking Greek to you? I understand that too. That is why I have people for much of this work. Just call me 262 618-5060. Leave a message if you don’t get me and you can be sure we’ll call you back. See my article about 24/7 support.