Do you offer 24/7 support?
We do not have 24/7 support…
We’ve all called a 24/7 support line:
Your call is very important to us. Please listen to the menu options as our options have changed…
We are experiencing unusually high call volume. Please hold for the next available customer service assistant. While you wait, we have some really bad loud music you can listen to.
After a long hold, you may get lucky and get your issue(s) resolved. More likely, you are going to be transferred at least once, possibly several times. Once speaking with someone, you may get good service or you may not. Often you’ll get disconnected and have to start all over again.
Were you able to be productive during that time. How long was it…20 minutes, half hour, hour, more?
What we offer…
Call me at 262 618-5060. You will may get my voicemail. Leave a message for me. Please include some basics about your concern. As soon as I can, I’ll call you back to discuss your issue. I’ll make a plan to resolve it, and we will address the issue. While you wait for me to call you back or address your issue with my team, you go back to work, dinner, or playing with your kids / grandkids. No hold times. No transfers, and if you can understand our Wisconsin accent, you’ll get great communication. No wasted time.